Recovery necklace
Quality: Top part) Aluminum
(String part) For pure silicone
Tensho stone powder and ecotan water
Mixed and formed
Color: Silver
Size: 45cm / 50cm / 55cm
Engineering: TERA WAVE processing
Price: 16,500 yen (tax included)
Country of manufacture: Japan
"Ecotan water" and Takachiho, Kyushu, which have obtained a patent for the method of producing an antibacterial aqueous solution by combining the antibacterial properties of scallop shells, deodorant components and negative ions emitted from charcoal, the humidity control power of charcoal, and the"forminsis" effect of ancient natural stones. The powder of the rare natural ore "Amaterasu stone" that can be collected only in the mountains (Miyazaki Prefecture) is kneaded into pure silicone to form a braid with polyproprene fiber.
Furthermore, it is a necklace that has been specially electronically processed (TERA WAVE processed).
"Ecotan water" and "Amaterasu stone" It was confirmed in the inspection report of the Far Infrared Application Study Group that terahertz waves, which are also called ultra-far infrared rays and life rays, are emitted in common with these two.
It is said that the terahertz wave energy, which has a long wavelength characteristic due to far infrared rays and vibrates 1 trillion times per second, instantly improves the properties of substances and activates genetic DNA. A double loop is used for the braided part as an attempt for a better effect. The top part uses aluminum material that is light, odorless and harmless. The alumite processing and logo are leather engraved, clear paint, and fashionable products.